Friday’s Best: 110 Dua for Jumma Mubarak in Arabic

Dua for Jumma Mubarak, the blessed Friday in Islam, is a day of immense spiritual significance and opportunities for divine blessings. Central to making the most of this holy day are Jumma Mubarak du’as, which hold the power to transform our Friday into a day of profound spiritual rejuvenation and personal growth.

Reciting du’as on Jumma Mubarak is a way to connect deeply with Allah, seeking His forgiveness, guidance, and mercy. These prayers offer a unique chance to reflect on one’s faith, ask for Allah’s blessings, and strengthen our relationship with Him. By engaging in heartfelt supplications, Muslims can seek relief from worries, express gratitude for Allah’s countless blessings, and request His help overcoming life’s challenges.

Moreover, Jumma Mubarak du’as are a means to seek protection from harm, ask for success in one’s endeavors, and request healing for oneself and loved ones. The day’s special status amplifies the effects of these du’as, making it an ideal time to make sincere requests and seek Allah’s favor.

Embracing Jumma Mubarak du’as not only enhances the spiritual significance of Friday but also helps cultivate a sense of peace and contentment. It’s an opportunity to renew one’s faith, make amends, and pray for a prosperous week. Let these powerful du’as be your guide to a blessed and spiritually enriching Jumma Mubarak.

Dua for Jumma Mubarak

Dua for Jumma Mubarak
اللهم اغفر لنا ولعائلاتنا وللمسلمين والمسلمات الأحياء منهم والأموات

O Allah, forgive us, our families, and all the believing men and women, the living and the dead.

Dua for Jumma Mubarak

Dua for Jumma Mubarak

Dua for Jumma Mubarak


Dua for Jumma Mubarak

اللهم احفظنا من كل مكروه وسوء، وكن لنا حافظًا وواقياً

O Allah, protect us from all harm and evil, and be our guardian and protector.

Dua for Guidance

اللهم اهدنا ووفقنا إلى صراطك المستقيم

O Allah, guide and grant us success on Your straight path.

Dua for Family and Loved Ones

اللهم اجعل عائلتنا وأحباءنا من الصالحين والناجحين في الدنيا والآخرة

O Allah, make our family and loved ones among the righteous and successful in this world and the Hereafter.

Dua for Relief from Difficulties


Dua for Peace and Harmony


Dua for Increased Knowledge

اللهم زدنا علمًا وفهمًا، وارزقنا الحكمة في حياتنا

O Allah, increase our knowledge and understanding, and grant us wisdom in our lives.

Dua for a Good Ending

اللهم اجعل عاقبتنا إلى خير، ووفقنا لحسن الختام

O Allah, make our end a good one and grant us a favorable conclusion to our lives.

Dua for Financial Stability

اللهم بارك لنا في أموالنا ووفقنا لإدارتها بما يرضيك

O Allah, bless our wealth and guide us to manage it in a way that pleases You.

Dua for Success in Exams or Work

اللهم سدد خطانا، ووفقنا في امتحاناتنا وأعمالنا

O Allah, guide our steps and grant us success in our exams and work.

Dua for Safety on Travel

Read More: 13+ Jumma Mubarak Dua & Beautiful Dua Jumma Mubarak

Dua for New Beginnings

اللهم بارك لنا في مشاريعنا الجديدة، ويسر لنا كل صعب

O Allah, bless our new endeavors and make every difficulty easy for us.

Dua for Forgiving Others

O Allah, make us among those who forgive, and forgive us and those who have wronged us.

Dua for the Deceased

O Allah, forgive our deceased and have mercy on them, expand their grave, and admit them into Your spacious paradise.

Dua for a Blessed Jumma

اللهم اجعل هذا الجمع مباركًا، واغفر لنا ولعائلاتنا وللمسلمين أجمعين

O Allah, bless this gathering, and forgive us, our families, and all Muslims.

Dua for Inner Peace

O Allah, fill our hearts with tranquility and peace, and save us from anxiety and stress.

Dua for Guidance in Decisions

اللهم اجعلنا من أهل الصواب، ووفقنا في اتخاذ القرارات الصحيحة

O Allah, make us among those who choose correctly, and guide us in making right decisions.

Dua for a Good Life Partner

O Allah, grant me a righteous life partner who will assist me in obeying You.

Dua for Overcoming Challenges

O Allah, make patience our strength and guide us through trials and challenges.

Dua for Reconciliation

اللهم اجمع بين قلوبنا وأصلح ذات بيننا، وأزل العداوة والخصام

O Allah, unite our hearts, mend our relationships, and remove enmity and disputes.

Dua for Strength and Resilience

Read More: Reflecting on the Blessings of Jumma, A Message for the Day

Dua for Increased Barakah (Blessings)

اللهم بارك لنا في وقتنا وأعمالنا، وزدنا في الرزق والبركة

O Allah, bless our time and deeds, and increase our sustenance and blessings.

Dua for Humility

اللهم ارزقنا التواضع، ونجنا من الغرور والكبر

O Allah, grant us humility and protect us from arrogance and pride.

Dua for Achieving Dreams

O Allah, fulfill our dreams and wishes in a way that pleases You, and guides us in achieving them.

Dua for Financial Ease

O Allah, ease our financial matters and bless our sustenance and wealth.

Dua for Gratitude

اللهم اجعلنا من الشاكرين لأنعمك، ووفقنا للتقدير والإحسان

O Allah, make us among the grateful for Your blessings and guide us to appreciation and kindness.

Dua for the Well-being of Children


Dua for Self-Improvement


Dua for Safe Travels


Dua for Success in Learning

اللهم وفقنا في دراستنا وعلمنا، واجعلنا من المتفوقين

O Allah, grant us success in our studies and learning, and make us excel in our endeavors.

Dua for Peaceful Sleep

اللهم ارزقنا نومًا هادئًا وعميقًا، وأعنّا على الراحة والسكينة

O Allah, grant us peaceful and deep sleep, and help us find rest and tranquility.

Dua for Removing Anxiety

اللهم أزل عن قلوبنا القلق، وملأها بالطمأنينة والأمل

O Allah, remove anxiety from our hearts and fill them with peace and hope.

Dua for Prosperity

اللهم ارزقنا الرفاهية والرخاء، وبارك لنا في كل ما نملك

O Allah, grant us prosperity and abundance, and bless all that we possess.

Dua for Blessings in Marriage

اللهم بارك لنا في زواجنا، واجعل حياتنا مليئة بالحب والسعادة

O Allah, bless our marriage and make our life filled with love and happiness.

Dua for Good Health

O Allah, protect us from illness and grant us good health and well-being.

Dua for Patience

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Dua for Spiritual Cleansing

اللهم طهر قلوبنا من الذنوب، واغسلها بنور إيمانك

O Allah, cleanse our hearts from sins and purify them with the light of Your faith.

Dua for Protection from Harm

اللهم احفظنا من كل شر، ووقنا من الأذى والضرر

O Allah, protect us from all harm and shield us from injury and damage.

Dua for Jumma Mubarak

اللهم اجعل بين أفراد عائلتنا محبة وسلام، ووفقنا للتعاون والتفاهم

O Allah, instill love and peace among our family members, and guide us to cooperation and understanding.

Dua for Jumma Mubarak

اللهم أصلح بيننا وبين من نحب، وأزل كل سوء بيننا

O Allah, reconcile us with those we love and remove any ill feelings between us.

Dua for a Blessed Home


Dua for Jumma Mubarak

اللهم نجنا من كل المعاصي، ووفقنا للتوبة والرجوع إليك

O Allah, protect us from all sins and guide us to repentance and return to You.

Dua for Mental Clarity

O Allah, grant us mental clarity and show us the right path clearly.

Dua for Good Company


Dua for Morning


Dua for Evening


Dua for Protection


Dua for Seeking Forgiveness


Dua for Jumma Mubarak


Dua for Patience


Dua for Guidance

اللهم اهدني ووفقني لطاعتك ورضاك

O Allah, guide me and grant me success in obeying You and seeking Your pleasure.

Dua for Jumma Mubarak

Read More: 20 Special Jumma Mubarak Messages for Friends, Jumma Kareem Messages

Dua for Family

O Allah, protect my family from all harm and bless our relationships.

Dua for Health


Dua for Ease in Tasks


Dua for Jumma Mubarak

O Allah, grant me good sustenance and bless it for me.

Dua for Forgiving Others

O Allah, make us among those who forgive and grant us the ability to pardon others.

Dua for Safe Journey


Dua for Jumma Mubarak

اللهم بارك لي في عملي، ووفقني لتحقيق النجاح

O Allah, bless my work and guide me towards achieving success.

Dua for Wisdom


Dua for Love and Compassion

O Allah, fill our hearts with love and compassion, and help us to assist others.

Dua for Clearing Mind

O Allah, make my thoughts clear and guide me to achieve my goals.

Dua for Safety from Harm

اللهم اجعلنا في حفظك ووقايتك من كل شر وضرر

O Allah, keep us under Your protection and shield us from all harm and injury.

Dua for New Endeavors

اللهم بارك لنا في مشاريعنا الجديدة، ووفقنا لتحقيقها

O Allah, bless our new ventures and guide us in achieving them.

Dua for Better Relationships

اللهم اجعل بيني وبين الآخرين علاقة قائمة على المحبة والاحترام

O Allah, make my relationships with others based on love and respect.

Dua for Relief from Stress

Read More: 100+Special Jumma Mubarak Quotes

Dua for Children’s Success

O Allah, make our children excel in this world and the Hereafter, and guide them towards goodness.

Dua for Contentment


Dua for Comfort in Difficult Times

اللهم ارحمنا في أوقات الشدة، وامنحنا القدرة على الصبر

O Allah, have mercy on us in times of hardship and grant us the strength to be patient.

Dua for Spiritual Growth


Dua for Overcoming Procrastination


Dua for Forgiveness of Sins

اللهم اغفر لنا ما تقدم من ذنوبنا وما تأخر، وارزقنا توبة نصوحة

O Allah, forgive our past and future sins and grant us sincere repentance.

Dua for Peace and Harmony in Society

Dua for Peace and Harmony in Society

Dua for Peace and Blessings

اللهم اجعل هذا الجمع مباركًا، واغفر لنا ولعائلاتنا وللمسلمين أجمعين

O Allah, bless this gathering, and forgive us, our families, and all Muslims.

Dua for Protection from Evil


Dua for Guidance

اللهم اهدني ووفقني لما تحب وترضى، ووفقني لعمل الخير

O Allah, guide me and grant me success in what You love and approve of, and guide me to do good deeds.

Dua for Health and Healing


Dua for Success and Prosperity


Dua for Increased Imaan (Faith)

اللهم زد إيماننا، وعلّمنا ما ينفعنا، ووفقنا لما تحب

O Allah, increase our faith, teach us what benefits us, and guide us to what You love.

Dua for Contentment and Gratitude

اللهم اجعلنا قانعين بما قسمته لنا، وبارك لنا في ما رزقتنا

O Allah, make us content with what You have decreed for us and bless us with the sustenance You have provided.

Dua for Family and Loved Ones

اللهم احفظ عائلتي، وبارك لنا في علاقاتنا، ووفقنا لما فيه خير لنا

O Allah, protect my family, bless our relationships, and guide us to what is best for us.

Dua for Relief from Worries

O Allah, relieve us from worries and pressures, and grant us peace of mind.

Dua for Protection from Harm

O Allah, keep us under Your protection and care, and shield us from the evils of this world.

Dua for Reconciliation

اللهم اجمع بين قلوبنا وأصلح ذات بيننا، وأزل الخلافات

O Allah, unite our hearts, mend our relationships, and remove all conflicts.

Dua for Safe Travels

Read More: 100+ Special Jumma Mubarak Wishes

Dua for Spiritual Growth


Dua for Wisdom

اللهم آتنا الحكمة والفهم، ووفقنا لأفضل الخيارات في حياتنا

O Allah, grant us wisdom and understanding, and guide us to make the best choices in our lives.

Dua for Personal Improvement

اللهم ساعدنا في تحسين أنفسنا، ووفقنا لتصحيح عيوبنا

O Allah, help us improve ourselves and guide us in correcting our flaws.

Dua for Good Health and Protection

O Allah, protect us from illness and grant us good health and well-being.

Dua for Contentment in Life

O Allah, make us content with what You have provided and bless our lives.

Dua for Success in Work and Study


Dua for Forgiving Others


Dua for Financial Ease

O Allah, grant us affluence and prosperity, and bless our wealth and sustenance.

Dua for Good Company


Dua for Relief from Difficulties


Dua for Increased Barakah (Blessings)

اللهم زدنا في بركتك، وبارك لنا في أعمالنا وأوقاتنا

O Allah, increase Your blessings upon us and bless our actions and time.

Dua for a Good Ending

اللهم اجعل عاقبتنا إلى خير، ووفقنا لحسن الختام

O Allah, make our end a good one and grant us a favorable conclusion to our lives.

Dua for Peace in the World


Dua for Knowledge and Understanding


Dua for Resilience

اللهم امنحنا الصبر والقوة لمواجهة التحديات

O Allah, grant us patience and strength to face challenges.

Dua for Seeking Allah’s Mercy

اللهم ارحمنا برحمتك الواسعة، واغفر لنا ولعائلاتنا

O Allah, have mercy on us with Your vast mercy and forgive us and our families.
Read More: 250+Good Morning Jumma Mubarak Wishes


Incorporating Jumma Mubarak du’as into your Friday prayers is a profound way to embrace the spiritual essence of this blessed day. These du’as not only enhance your connection with Allah but also open doors to His abundant mercy, forgiveness, and blessings. By reciting these heartfelt supplications, you invite divine grace into your life, seek protection from challenges, and express gratitude for the countless favors bestowed upon you.

Jumma Mubarak is a time for reflection, renewal, and spiritual growth. The special status of this day amplifies the impact of your du’as, making it an opportune moment to seek guidance, relief from worries, and success in your endeavors. As you make these du’as a regular part of your Friday worship, you enrich your spiritual journey and foster a deeper sense of peace and contentment.

Embrace the power of Jumma Mubarak du’as and let them guide you toward a blessed and fulfilling Friday. May your prayers be answered, your heart be at peace, and your faith be strengthened as you celebrate this sacred day.

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